Dynamique de la pauvreté non monétaire au Cameroun entre 2001 et 2007: analyse en correspondances multiples et tests de dominance stochastique


The aim of the present study is to investigate on non monetary poverty in Cameroon, focusing on the dynamic of poverty profiles in urban and rural areas, and all over the whole country between 2001 and 2007.Poverty persistence explains the interest and the stakes of the current study. By using data coming from the last two Cameroonians surveys on households standards livings conducted respectively in 2001 (ECAM II) and in 2007 (ECAM III), our objective is to put on evidence the transition or dynamics in poverty, without establishing a poverty line. Having choosen this scope for investigation, we built up a composite index of poverty, from a set a set of non monetary household’s living conditions indicators, by using the multiple component analysis. And throught out stochastic dominance tests we compare urban poverty profile, rural poverty profile and then the one of the whole country. All these statements are made for the period between 2001 and 2007. The results show that non monetary poverty has decrease between 2001 and 2007 in urban areas and in the whole country only in middle households classes in Cameroon. For the poor and the rich, non monetary poverty has increased in urban area. It is the same situation as far as the whole country is concerned. We also see that rural non monetary poverty increased over this period of time. Then, we can say that non monetary poverty seem to be a rural phenomenon like the monetary poverty. The policy recommendations are declined thus improving accessibility to basic infrastructures, to potable water, to electricity and quality of housing in rural areas, and greater jobs creation in urban areas, where inequalities are most noticeable and increasing

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