
Valuation of Cow Attributes by Conjoint Analysis: A Case Study in Western Kenya


The objective of the study was to determine the value that different households attach to attributes of the dairy cow. The cow attributes were, milk yield, disease resistance, feed requirement. The valuation was done in order to quantify the economic trade-offs made during adoption of dairy technologies, assess resource availability, households perceptions on dairy technologies and their farming priorities. This was necessary to understand the adoption patterns of dairy technologies observed and suggest intervention. The Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS), Marginal Willingness to Pay (mWTP), and Marginal Willingness to Accept (mWTA) that were used were determined from conjoint (CJ) analysis using data from a survey of 630 households in Western Kenya. The household characteristics that influenced valuation were off-farm income, precipitation over evapo-transpiration (PPE), ethnicity, cultural values, education, and extension. In reference to the typical households, household characteristics that showed a higher mWTP for a cow with low feed requirement implied either scarcity of feed, high opportunity cost of using land for fodder or lack of information on feed resources. The latter indicates inefficiency in resource use. A higher mWTP for a cow with high milk yield gave an indication of the households' priorities. A mWTA payment for a cow with high milk yield in the face of potential markets showed different farming priorities and lack of information. A mWTA payment for a cow with low disease resistance shows risk aversion and limited information on disease control.cow attributes, conjoint, marginal willingness to accept, marginal willingness to pay, Livestock Production/Industries,

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