Measurement of SF-6D utility among patients with active tuberculosis
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Inspite of so much development in medical technology, Tuberculosis (TB) is still the problem for humans. Few studies, in Pakistan highlighted the factors that affect patients health related quality of life (HRQOL) with active TB. The aim of this study is to measure short form six dimension (Sf-6D) utility scores of patients with active TB of Sargodha district. 120 active TB patients were interviewed and short form-36 questionnaire was followed. District TB hospital of Sargodha district was visited. Results show that Utility scores of female patients were better than male, while patients belong to urban areas have better utility scores as compared to rural patients of TB. Indoor patient’s utility scores were better than outdoor patients. Disease severity, use of drugs, depression, pain and death threat were the factors that negatively affect the patients health related quality of life, while opportunity of leisure and income level increase patients HRQOL.Sf-6D, Pakistan, TB