
Trust no agent: Building Strong Negotiation Skills


Let every eye negotiate for itself, And trust no agent. Much Ado About Nothing, Act II, sc. 1 Everybody negotiates, both at work and home. Negotiations in any context can have some pretty big impact on our lives, but in the work environment, they can also have impacts on our colleagues, and our users! Many of the most common areas for major-impact negotiations in libraries are related to technology and contracts, especially software and electronic resource purchases and subscriptions. But even if you don\u27t make major technology purchases, developing expertise in understanding contracts can be helpful for you and your organization - and building negotiation skills can have a positive impact throughout your life! We\u27ll start with a brief overview of contracts and how to evaluate them - then you\u27ll have the opportunity to improve all your negotiations (both formal and informal) through exercises and discussion. With lots of interaction, you\u27ll have the option to bring in examples from your own experiences, and will be encouraged to adapt and formulate your own negotiation style

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