
My Father\u27s Growing Old


[Verse 1]O! when I gaze upon his face,That once was young and fair,I almost weep to think that ageCould leave its image there,he stood the many storms of lifeThat round his pathway rolled,He\u27s resting in life\u27s sunshine nowMy Father\u27s growing old. [Chorus]I sit beside his easy chair,His and in mine I hold,He breathes his life yet sweetly there;My father\u27s growing old. [Verse 2]O! who can tell a father\u27s love,When age bringson decay,The form grows weak, the eyes are dim,The mind fades fast away,\u27Till after a while life\u27s sun goes downThe story then is told;Time whispers gently in my earMy father\u27s growing old. [Chorus] [Verse 3]His journey to the grave is short,His work is almost done,His tot\u27ring limbs grow weaker still,His race is nearly run;Old age deserts him on the road,He waits for death to come,he\u27s lost upon the Shores of Time,But Angels lead him home. [Chorus

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