
Some reflections on the notion of an ‘inclusive political pact’: a perspective from Ahmedabad


This paper explores the notion of an 'inclusive political pact', as developed by Prof James Putzel, Director of the Crisis States research programme, taking the city of Ahmedabad in Gujarat as its case study. It looks at the ghettoisation of the Muslim population into resettlement communities following the communal violence of 2002 and examines how this spatial marginalisation has disempowered a whole section of society and rendered them politically irrelevant. The paper argues that the set of circumstances in Ahmedabad that has completely excluded the Muslim section of society from full citizenship and basic civic rights, demonstrates the ramifications of excluding certain groups from a fully inclusive political pact. The author has also explored the role of civil society during the communal violence in her Working Paper 64.2 : 'Civil Society in Conflict Cities: the case of Ahmedabad

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