Measuring the recreational use value of migratory shorebirds on the Delaware Bay
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In this article we estimate the recreational use value of household trips to view shorebirds during the annual horseshoe crab/shorebird migration on the Delaware Bay. We use contingent valuation to estimate the value of day and overnight trips separately and use a discrete choice question followed by a payment-card question to generate our valuation data. Our best estimates for the value of a day trip are about 66–90/household and for an overnight trip about 200–425/household (2008).Ourdataarefromthe2008season,andouraveragehouseholdsizeis1.66.Forsomecontext,estimatesfromfourotherstudiesreportvaluesthatvaryfrom63/trip/person to $442/trip/person. These studies vary in method and specific birding populations studied and mix day and overnight trips.Contingent valuation, discrete choice, bird watching, use value