
Measuring the recreational use value of migratory shorebirds on the Delaware Bay


In this article we estimate the recreational use value of household trips to view shorebirds during the annual horseshoe crab/shorebird migration on the Delaware Bay. We use contingent valuation to estimate the value of day and overnight trips separately and use a discrete choice question followed by a payment-card question to generate our valuation data. Our best estimates for the value of a day trip are about 6666–90/household and for an overnight trip about 200200–425/household (2008).Ourdataarefromthe2008season,andouraveragehouseholdsizeis1.66.Forsomecontext,estimatesfromfourotherstudiesreportvaluesthatvaryfrom). Our data are from the 2008 season, and our average household size is 1.66. For some context, estimates from four other studies report values that vary from 63/trip/person to $442/trip/person. These studies vary in method and specific birding populations studied and mix day and overnight trips.Contingent valuation, discrete choice, bird watching, use value

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