Indonesia is a country which consists of thousands of islands. One of those islands is Borneo
or Kalimantan. Kalimantan is generally divided into four provinces, west, centre, south, and
east province. Within those four provinces, occur many languages which are used by its
citizen. One of the languages is Bahasa banjar which is mainly used by Banjarese people in
south Kalimantan. Connected with the fact above this writings will be discussed about three
points, the first is about the varieties of Bahasa banjar, which is seen from the
sociolinguistics points of view, the second is about the characteristics of Bahasa banjar in
general and the last is the characteristics on each varieties. Every description in this writing
is a conceptual description only, every data which is given, and every statement which is
given in this writing is only for the understanding of the description of Bahasa banjar