Sub Sidoharjo in Sragen, Central Java Province, with the number of villages as many as
12 villages and the planning area as much as six villages. District population growth rate is
0.19% Sidoharjo per year. Increasing population and development needs of the region led to the
fulfillment of public facilities such as clean water supplies have also increased. At this time,
Water Unit serving Sidoharjo 6.7% of the population of Sub Sidoharho and has a production
capacity of wells in a 20 l / s with a duration of service for 24 hours. Based on the results of the
evaluation and analysis, there are some things that need to be done to improve the existing
system in order to develop clean water supply systems. Development planned for the year 2009 -
2019 with the improvement of services to reach 2-3% per year and the year 2019 reached
39.13%. For the development of raw water sources are wells pungkruk increase capacity to 40
liters / second and the location of wells in addition to the purwosuman flow 20 liters / second.
Keywords: water supply, evaluation, development, service