Palynology is a study of biostratigraphy for determining relative age and
depositional environment based on the abundance of palynomorf. Palynology
study develompent in Indonesia is still could be more increased along with more
oil and gas exploration moved to transitional environtment.
Study of palynology in stratigraphy is aiming to determine relative age and
depositional environment. Besides, palynology could also determine sequence
stratigraphy in a large scale of study based on palynomorf percentage. The study
of sequence stratigraphy based on palynomorf percentage has been done in WellY,
The method of this research is descriptive method through the microscopic
observation on sample 1 - 14 from 1400 m depth Y-Well’s cutting and
quantitative method calculation and analysis method from this observation and
calcuation could determine the percentage of each palynomorf. This percentage
lead to a trend then interpretated into several sequencestratigraphy.
From this observation, it can be determined characteristic zone of this well.
The characteristic zone of palynology in this well is divided into 3 zones of
palynology; Proxapertites operculatus Zone, Flocshuetzia meridionalis Zone, and
Stenoclaeniidites papuanus Zone. Each zone shows the characteristic of age from
Eocene to Pliocene and also depositional environment from delta plain to pro
delta. From palynomorf percentage trend, we may also see the pattern of sequece
stratigraphy works in this depth. The percentage trend shows the time whether sea
level fall at the minimum percentage of palynomorf and sea level rise at the
maximum percentage of palynomorf. The trend shows the sequence with
sequence boundary lying in the start and the end of the sequence and also
transgressive surface indicates the sea level start rise. Overall, this well has 5
sequences based on this trend; sequence a, sequence b, sequence c, sequence d,
and sequence e and all the sequences are bordered by sequence boundary.
Keyword: Palynostratigraphy, Quantitative Method, Palynology