Performance analysis of MANET routing protocol based on NS-3


nS-3在多网卡处理和IP寻址策略方面具有很的好特性,为了提高MAnET路由协议性能,采用了nS-3仿真工具对MAnET路由协议进行分析,详细阐述了如何搭建nS-3仿真平台,并从网络规模和动态拓扑角度分析比较了AOdV,dSdV和OlSr三种路由协议的端到端平均时延和投递率性能。仿真结果为协议的后续优化和改进提供了依据。NS-3 has good characteristics in the aspects of multi-NIC data processing and IP addressing.For enhancing the performance of routing protocols in MANET,NS-3 is used to analyze the routing protocols in MANET.The method to design a simulation platform based on NS-3 is elaborated.The packet delivery ratio and end-to-end delay with different mobile topology and different scale of AODV,DSDV and OLSR are compared.The simulation results provide some evidences to improve and op timize the protocols.国家自然科学基金(61201196); 教育部博士点基金(20100121120020); 福建省自然科学基金(2012J05127

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