
Liste des algues de l'expedition Santo 2006 (Vanuatu)- list of algae from the Santo 2006 expedition (Vanuatu)


During the month of August 2006, 7 participants of the workshop 'Algae' SANTO 2006 Expedition have prospected exclusively in the South of the island of Santo. Nearly 1,500 samples of calcareous algae and 'soft' algae were collected in 41 stations divided in different habitats from the coast up to 60 m deep. The results of the taxonomic study are 284 species (excluding calcareous red algae) including 8 marine phanerogams, and 4 cyanobacteria. 272 species of algae are divided into 164 Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta 82 and 26 Ochrophyta. Nine taxa would be new to science. This inventory is in addition to those already made to the Solomons (2004) and Fiji (2007) under the CRISP programme and in New Caledonia and French Polynesia for projects funded by communities themselves. South of Santo, appears as a relatively rich site and is part of the diversity gradient that extends from the most species-rich area located in the indo-Malay region the poorest area in the region is the Pacific. This study is the first inventory of marine flora of Vanuatu

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