
Liquid Argon HEC Wheel Assembly Database


This document describes the details of the contents of the LAr Hadronic EndCap Wheel Assembly Database. This database contains the important data from the wheel assembly: mechanical alignment, electrical properties, cabling, and a summary of the readout gap failures. This document describes the final database that is intended mainly for archival purposes. This database should be viewed in conjunction with the HEC module production database that describes the modules that form the wheel and the Feedthrough database that describes the signal feedthroughs. This wheel database lists for instance the location of the modules, the amplifiers to which they are connected, and the details of the alignment measurements. It also details all non-conformances. It is important that for all non-conformances, whether they occurred during wheel assembly or in the B180 cold tests, that a single table be produced of all the non-conformances listing the non-conformance in a format suitable for making offline corrections to the data. This non-conformance table will be derived from a set of queries of this database

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