Coro Semplice Indonesia, an Independent Choir came from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia,
was formed by a few people who have the same desire to continue a hobby in the field of music.
Choir has no institutions that have the capital, so the members have an active role to raise funds
independently, to holding annual concerts. With the very limited funds, Coro Semplice Indonesia
needs best media strategy to promote the annual concert. This study used qualitative methods
with observation and analysis of media strategy, Below The Line, which was selected as the
media messenger also quantitative with questioner to know which media has the best penetration
for audience. The purpose of this study to determine what media has the most extensive range
with the cheapest cost. Results showed that short messages service has the highest effectiveness
of the message, to the personal and direct targeting of individuals system. This study is useful as
a form of reference for the promotion of other organizations that have limited funding sources.
Keywords: Choir, Media, Advertising, Strateg