Internal communication and its effects on the environmental CSR commitments of organisations


Internal communication is conducted between employees when they interact and exchange information. The communication keeps an organization going and is able to produce an outcome. Therefore, internal communication is essential for any organization in order to be able to achieve their commitments. This study is aimed to describe how environmental CSR commitments are affected by the horizontal internal communication within an organization. In order to answer this has a qualitative research approach been used with semi-structured interviews. The horizontal internal communication is studied at an international consulting business where employees have participated in interviews. The study shows that environmental CSR commitments of the organization are affected by staff defined environmental aspects in different and sometimes contradicting terms. Different understanding and opinions within the organization have resulted in inefficient and restricted horizontal internal communication. Discordant staff has in turn also affected the priority of environmental aspects within team activities. Employees are not on the same side in how environment should be included in team activities which lead to situations where employees choose not to bring up environmental aspects because they know it’s going to cause resistance from other peers. Division and resistance also make the horizontal integration weak between units in the organization which aggravate cooperation in the horizontal internal communication. This is evident in different team activities team folder where names on documents and subfolders often are confusing and it takes time for employees to find information. Aggravation of cooperation also occurs in and around meetings when information doesn’t reach employees who need it. However, cooperation is facilitated in situations where employees help each other to find information. Relations are important for cooperation but today many employees in the organization communicate without any acquaintance. The cooperation would gain from having more diverse experiencies of communicating with each other, which also the interviewees agree on

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