
Using web mining in e-commerce applications


Nowadays, the web is an important part of our daily life. The web is now the best medium of doing business. Large companies rethink their business strategy using the web to improve business. Business carried on the Web offers the opportunity to potential customers or partners where their products and specific business can be found. Business presence through a company web site has several advantages as it breaks the barrier of time and space compared with the existence of a physical office. To differentiate through the Internet economy, winning companies have realized that e-commerce transactions is more than just buying / selling, appropriate strategies are key to improve competitive power. One effective technique used for this purpose is data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting interesting knowledge from data. Web mining is the use of data mining techniques to extract information from web data. This article presents the three components of web mining: web usage mining, web structure mining and web content mining.e-commerce, web mining, web content mining, web structure mining, web usage mining

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