Texturing and residual stress in metals as a result of sliding
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Pole figures of the texturing produced by friction in the alloys Cu - 10 at. % Sn, Cu - 10 at. % Si, 440 C stainless steel, and AISI 52100 bearing steel were obtained with an energy-dispersive X-ray diffractometer. While the texturing behavior of these alloys is generally similar to that of pure metals, the 52100 steel and the Cu5Si phase of Cu - 10 at. % Si show no texturing at the loads and speeds used in this experiment. Photographic methods were used in an attempt to measure the uniform residual stress in the wear tracks produced on some pure metals. The stress in copper and iron was, however, below the limit of detectability - about 4.3 x 10 to the 7th power N/sq m (6000 psi). Line broadening under all test conditions in the case of copper and at high load and speed conditions in iron is attributed, at least in part, to the reduction of crystallite size and, perhaps, to nonuniform residual stress, as well