Results of the flight noise measurement program using a standard and modified SH-3A helicopter
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A field noise measurement program has been conducted using both a standard SH-3A helicopter and an SH-3A helicopter modified to reduce external noise levels. Modifications included reducing rotor speed, increasing the number of rotor blades, modifying the blade-tip shapes, and acoustically treating the engine air intakes and exhaust. The purpose of this study was to document the noise characteristics recorded on the ground of each helicopter during flyby, hover, landing, and take-off operations. Based on an analysis of the measured results, the average of the overhead, overall, ontrack noise levels was approximately 4 db lower for the modified helicopter than for the standard helicopter. The improved in-flight noise characteristics, and associated small footprint areas and time durations, were judged to be mainly due to tail-rotor noise reductions. The noise reductions were obtained at the expense of required power increases at airspeeds greater than 70 knots for the modified helicopter