
Shuttle orbiter S-band quad antenna switching evaluation


Automatic switching of the shuttle orbiter S-band quad antennas by the orbiter on-board computers was evaluated. The development and use of an extensive computer program to determine antenna switch position states as a function of time for various orbital activities is described. The selection of the optimum quad antenna element at any given time is based on the look angle to the appropriate Tracking Data Relay Satellite (TDRS). It is shown that a 2.4 second period is required for updating the S-band quad antenna switch state based on a maximum roll rate of 2 deg per second. The possibility of a variable update period is suggested since the 2 deg per second attitude rate is seldom encountered and would, for example, dictate approximately 248,000 on-board computer calculations during Reference Mission 2. The average number of antenna switch state changes was found to be in the range of 1,300 for Reference Mission 2

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