
Blade row dynamic digital compressor program. Volume 1: J85 clean inlet flow and parallel compressor models


The results are presented of a one-dimensional dynamic digital blade row compressor model study of a J85-13 engine operating with uniform and with circumferentially distorted inlet flow. Details of the geometry and the derived blade row characteristics used to simulate the clean inlet performance are given. A stability criterion based upon the self developing unsteady internal flows near surge provided an accurate determination of the clean inlet surge line. The basic model was modified to include an arbitrary extent multi-sector parallel compressor configuration for investigating 180 deg 1/rev total pressure, total temperature, and combined total pressure and total temperature distortions. The combined distortions included opposed, coincident, and 90 deg overlapped patterns. The predicted losses in surge pressure ratio matched the measured data trends at all speeds and gave accurate predictions at high corrected speeds where the slope of the speed lines approached the vertical

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