
Comparison of the noise characteristics of two low pressure ratio fans with a high throat Mach number inlet


Acoustics data obtained in experiments with two low pressure ratio 50.8 cm (20 in.) diameter model fans differing in design tip speed were compared. Determination of the average throat Mach number used to compare high Mach inlet noise reduction characteristics was based on a correlation of inlet wall static pressure measurements with a flow field calculation. The largest noise reductions were generally obtained with the higher tip speed fan. At a throat Mach number of 0.79, the difference in noise reduction was about 3.5 db with static test conditions. Although the noise reduction increased for the lower tip speed fan with a simulated flight velocity of 41 m/sec (80 knots), it was still about 2 db less than that of the high tip speed fan which was only tested at the static condition. However, variations in acoustic performance could not be absolutely attributed to the different fan designs because of differences in inlet lip contours which resulted in small variations of peak wall Mach number and axial extend of supersonic and near-sonic flow

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