
Michigan resource inventories: Characteristics and costs of selected projects using high altitude color infrared imagery. Remote Sensing Project


The procedures and costs associated with mapping land cover/use and forest resources from high altitude color infrared (CIR) imagery are documented through an evaluation of several inventory efforts. CIR photos (1:36,000) were used to classify the forests of Mason County, Michigan into six species groups, three stocking levels, and three maturity classes at a cost of 4.58/,andfacilitatetheestablishmentofnewforestmanagementcooperatives.Landcover/usemapsandareatabulationswerepreparedfromsmallscaleCIRphotographyatacostof4.58/sq. km. The forest data allow the pinpointing of marketable concentrations of selected timber types, and facilitate the establishment of new forest management cooperatives. Land cover/use maps and area tabulations were prepared from small scale CIR photography at a cost of 4.28/sq. km. and 3.03/,Michiganatacostof3.03/sq. km. to support regional planning programs of two Michigan agencies. procedures were also developed to facilitate analysis of this data with other natural resource information. Eleven thematic maps were generated from Windsor Township, Michigan at a cost of 1,500 by integrating grid-geocoded land cover/use, soils, topographic, and well log data using an analytical computer program

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