Michigan resource inventories: Characteristics and costs of selected projects using high altitude color infrared imagery. Remote Sensing Project
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The procedures and costs associated with mapping land cover/use and forest resources from high altitude color infrared (CIR) imagery are documented through an evaluation of several inventory efforts. CIR photos (1:36,000) were used to classify the forests of Mason County, Michigan into six species groups, three stocking levels, and three maturity classes at a cost of 4.58/,andfacilitatetheestablishmentofnewforestmanagementcooperatives.Landcover/usemapsandareatabulationswerepreparedfromsmallscaleCIRphotographyatacostof4.28/sq. km. and 3.03/,Michiganatacostof1,500 by integrating grid-geocoded land cover/use, soils, topographic, and well log data using an analytical computer program