
Long term X-ray observations of systems with unusual optical counterparts and modulation measurement of selected astronomical sources


The OAO-3 satellite was used for several months' observation of the loss mass X-ray binary sources 2A18822-371 and 4U2129+47 in a search for variability similar to the 35 day on-off cycle observed in Her X-1. The related system Cyg X-2 was observed both optically and in X-rays covering one complete binary cycle of 9.8 days. The UCL X-ray telescope observations revealed no periodities nor obvious variability other than the known orbital periods; however, the ground-based optical spectroscopy supports the interpretation of the photometry periodicities as representing orbital motion in 2A1822-371 and detected radial velocity motions on the photometric period in 4U2129+47. The shape and the length of the 4.8 hour periodicity in the X-ray emission from Cyg X-3 was also studied. The quality OAO-3 data obtained to measure the light curve and look for a change in the period and/or obtain improved measurement of the slope of the light curve was insufficient

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