Models for infrared emission from IRAS galaxies
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Models for the infrared emission from Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) galaxies by Rowan-Robinson and Crawford, by deJong and Brink, and by Helou, are reviewed. Rowan-Robinson and Crawford model the 12 to 100 micron radiation from IRAS galaxies in terms of 3 components: a normal disk component, due to interstellar cirrus; a starburst component, modeled as hot stars in an optically thick dust cloud; and a Seyfert component, modeled as a power-law continuum immersed in an n(r) variation r sup -1 dust cloud associated with the narrow-line region of the Seyfert nucleus. The correlations between the luminosities in the different components, the blue luminosity, and the X-ray luminosity of the galaxies are consistent with the model. Spectra from 0.1 to 1000 microns are predicted and compared with available observations. The de Jong and Brink, and Helou, model IRAS non-Seyfert galaxies in terms of a cool (cirrus) component and a warm (starburst) component. The de Jong and Brink estimate the face-on internal extinction in the galaxies and find that it is higher in galaxies with more luminous starbursts. In Helou's model the spectrum of the warm component varies strongly with the luminosity in that component. The three models are briefly compared