
Two-dimensional numerical simulation of a Stirling engine heat exchanger


The first phase of an effort to develop multidimensional models of Stirling engine components is described; the ultimate goal is to model an entire engine working space. More specifically, parallel plate and tubular heat exchanger models with emphasis on the central part of the channel (i.e., ignoring hydrodynamic and thermal end effects) are described. The model assumes: laminar, incompressible flow with constant thermophysical properties. In addition, a constant axial temperature gradient is imposed. The governing equations, describing the model, were solved using Crank-Nicloson finite-difference scheme. Model predictions were compared with analytical solutions for oscillating/reversing flow and heat transfer in order to check numerical accuracy. Excellent agreement was obtained for the model predictions with analytical solutions available for both flow in circular tubes and between parallel plates. Also the heat transfer computational results are in good agreement with the heat transfer analytical results for parallel plates

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