
Modeling and control system design and analysis tools for flexible structures


Described here are Boeing software tools used for the development of control laws of flexible structures. The Boeing Company has developed a software tool called Modern Control Software Package (MPAC). MPAC provides the environment necessary for linear model development, analysis, and controller design for large models of flexible structures. There are two features of MPAC which are particularly appropriate for use with large models: (1) numerical accuracy and (2) label-driven nature. With the first feature MPAC uses double precision arithmetic for all numerical operations and relies on EISPAC and LINPACK for the numerical foundation. With the second feature, all MPAC model inputs, outputs, and states are referenced by user-defined labels. This feature allows model modification while maintaining the same state, input, and output names. In addition, there is no need for the user to keep track of a model variable's matrix row and colunm locations. There is a wide range of model manipulation, analysis, and design features within the numerically robust and flexible environment provided by MPAC. Models can be built or modified using either state space or transfer function representations. Existing models can be combined via parallel, series, and feedback connections; and loops of a closed-loop model may be broken for analysis

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