
HgCdTe 256x256 NWIR FPA


Researchers developed a HgCdTe 256x256 focal plane array (FPA) which operates in the 1 to 5 micron band. This is presently the largest demonstrated HgCdTe FPA. The detector material is HgCdTe on sapphire (PACE-1 technology) which has a low thermal expansion mismatch with silicon. The multiplexer is a CMOS FET-switch device processed through a commercial silicon foundry. The multiplexer input is direct injection and the charge capacity is about 2 times 10 to the 7th power electrons. The kTC limited read noise is 400 electrons. Researchers demonstrated high background imaging using the device. The broadband quantum efficiency is measured to be 59 percent. Dark currents less than 0.1 pA were measured at 77 K for detectors processed on PACE-1 material with 4.9 microns cutoff. The dark currents decrease as the temperature is lowered, and researchers are presently studying the T less than 77 K characteristics. The interconnect yield is greater than 95 percent. The devices are available for astronomical applications

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