
Development of iterative techniques for the solution of unsteady compressible viscous flows


The development of efficient iterative solution methods for the numerical solution of two- and three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations is discussed. Iterative time marching methods have several advantages over classical multi-step explicit time marching schemes, and non-iterative implicit time marching schemes. Iterative schemes have better stability characteristics than non-iterative explicit and implicit schemes. In this work, another approach based on the classical conjugate gradient method, known as the Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) algorithm is investigated. The GMRES algorithm has been used in the past by a number of researchers for solving steady viscous and inviscid flow problems. Here, we investigate the suitability of this algorithm for solving the system of non-linear equations that arise in unsteady Navier-Stokes solvers at each time step

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