
White paper on science operations


Major changes are taking place in the way astronomy gets done. There are continuing advances in observational capabilities across the frequency spectrum, involving both ground-based and space-based facilities. There is also very rapid evolution of relevant computing and data management technologies. However, although the new technologies are filtering in to the astronomy community, and astronomers are looking at their computing needs in new ways, there is little coordination or coherent policy. Furthermore, although there is great awareness of the evolving technologies in the arena of operations, much of the existing operations infrastructure is ill-suited to take advantage of them. Astronomy, especially space astronomy, has often been at the cutting edge of computer use in data reduction and image analysis, but has been somewhat removed from advanced applications in operations, which have tended to be implemented by industry rather than by the end-user scientists. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, we briefly review the background and general status of astronomy-related computing. Second, we make recommendations in three areas: data analysis; operations (directed primarily to NASA-related activities); and issues of management and policy, believing that these must be addressed to enable technological progress and to proceed through the next decade. Finally, we recommend specific NASA-related work as part of the Astrotech-21 plans, to enable better science operations in the operations of the Great Observatories and in the lunar outpost era

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