Guidance law development for aeroassisted transfer vehicles using matched asymptotic expansions


This report addresses and clarifies a number of issues related to the Matched Asymptotic Expansion (MAE) analysis of skip trajectories, or any class of problems that give rise to inner layers that are not associated directly with satisfying boundary conditions. The procedure for matching inner and outer solutions, and using the composite solution to satisfy boundary conditions is developed and rigorously followed to obtain a set of algebraic equations for the problem of inclination change with minimum energy loss. A detailed evaluation of the zeroth order guidance algorithm for aeroassisted orbit transfer is performed. It is shown that by exploiting the structure of the MAE solution procedure, the original problem, which requires the solution of a set of 20 implicit algebraic equations, can be reduced to a problem of 6 implicit equations in 6 unknowns. A solution that is near optimal, requires a minimum of computation, and thus can be implemented in real time and on-board the vehicle, has been obtained. Guidance law implementation entails treating the current state as a new initial state and repetitively solving the zeroth order MAE problem to obtain the feedback controls. Finally, a general procedure is developed for constructing a MAE solution up to first order, of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation based on the method of characteristics. The development is valid for a class of perturbation problems whose solution exhibits two-time-scale behavior. A regular expansion for problems of this type is shown to be inappropriate since it is not valid over a narrow range of the independent variable. That is, it is not uniformly valid. Of particular interest here is the manner in which matching and boundary conditions are enforced when the expansion is carried out to first order. Two cases are distinguished-one where the left boundary condition coincides with, or lies to the right of, the singular region, and another one where the left boundary condition lies to the left of the singular region. A simple example is used to illustrate the procedure where the obtained solution is uniformly valid to O(Epsilon(exp 2)). The potential application of this procedure to aeroassisted plane change is also described and partially evaluated

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