The terrestrial gravitational wave environment from known sources


The objective of this project was to produce a gravitational wave spectral line list of all known binary stars producing expected strain amplitudes at Earth in excess of h = 10 (exp -21), or gravitational wave fluxes in excess of F = 10 (exp -12) erg cm(exp -2) s(exp -1). These strain and flux limits lie above the anticipated detection thresholds for space-borne laser interferometers capable of detecting gravitational radiation in the 10 micron Hz to 1 Hz frequency range. The source list was intended to provide frequency (including each harmonic), amplitude and phase (for each polarization and harmonic), and celestial coordinates for each system, lacking only the orientation of the principal polarization axis with respect to the pole of the coordinate system, and the sign of the source phase and frequency (or, equivalently, of the sense of rotation of the strain tensor with time) from providing a complete source description. Such a spectral line list would lay essential groundwork for high-sensitivity, low-frequency searches for gravitational radiation

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