Status of MSBS Study at NAL in 1995
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Magnetic field intensity and currents passing through the coils of the National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) 1O cm Magnetic Suspension and Balance System (MSBS) were measured while a cylindrical model was oscillated along x,y,z and also about y and z axes, respectively. The model was made of alnico 5 and was 8 mm in diameter and 60 mm long. Two kinds of tests were carried out. Amplitude of the oscillation was varied at a frequency of 10 Hz. Frequency was varied from 1 to 50 Hz in the other test. Results of the tests show that the relation between coil currents and magnetic force acting on the model is affected by frequency. They also show that the relation between measured magnetic field intensity and the force in vertical direction is independent of the frequency below 30 Hz. Using the measured magnetic field intensity, the vertical force can be evaluated at the MSBS instantaneously when a model moves at frequencies below 30 Hz. A static drag force calibration test was carried out at the 60 cm MSBS. Obtained relationships between measured drag coil currents and loads shows large hysteresis