A Numerical Simulator for Three-Dimensional Flows Through Vibrating Blade Rows


The three-dimensional, multi-stage, unsteady, turbomachinery analysis, TURBO, has been extended to predict the aeroelastic and aeroacoustic response behaviors of a single blade row operating within a cylindrical annular duct. In particular, a blade vibration capability has been incorporated so that the TURBO analysis can be applied over a solution domain that deforms with a vibratory blade motion. Also, unsteady far-field conditions have been implemented to render the computational boundaries at inlet and exit transparent to outgoing unsteady disturbances. The modified TURBO analysis is applied herein to predict unsteady subsonic and transonic flows. The intent is to partially validate this nonlinear analysis for blade flutter applications, via numerical results for benchmark unsteady flows, and to demonstrate the analysis for a realistic fan rotor. For these purposes, we have considered unsteady subsonic flows through a 3D version of the 10th Standard Cascade, and unsteady transonic flows through the first stage rotor of the NASA Lewis, Rotor 67, two-stage fan

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