Given an arbitrary non-zero simplicial cycle and a generic vector coloring of
its vertices, there is a way to produce a graded Poincare duality algebra
associated with these data. The procedure relies on the theory of volume
polynomials and multi-fans. This construction includes many important examples,
such as cohomology of toric varieties and quasitoric manifolds, and Gorenstein
algebras of triangulated homology manifolds, introduced by Novik and Swartz. In
all these examples the dimensions of graded components of such duality algebras
do not depend on the vector coloring. It was conjectured that the same holds
for any simplicial cycle. We disprove this conjecture by showing that the
colors of singular points of the cycle may affect the dimensions. However, the
colors of smooth points are irrelevant. By using bistellar moves we show that
the number of different dimension vectors arising on a given 3-dimensional
pseudomanifold with isolated singularities is a topological invariant. This
invariant is trivial on manifolds, but nontrivial in general.Comment: 18 pages, 5 labeled figures + 2 unlabeled figure