The standard model (SM)-like Higgs boson h has spin zero and light mass
around weak scale, so it has the potential to mediate a new and relatively
strong force for the particle Ï• in the new physics (NP) sector; then
ϕ may form bound state Bh​ via exchanging h. This phenomena may arise
in a wide context, for instance composite Higgs, supersymmetry (SUSY) and
radiative neutrino (or more widely in the models with a strong Higgs portal for
triggering classical scale symmetry breaking or strong first-order phase
transition). For illustration we focus on two typical examples, the
stop/sbottom sector and an inert Higgs doublet. Furthermore, we point out that
Bh​ must give rise to a clear resonant di-Higgs signature, which recently has
been extensively searched for at the large hadron collider (LHC). Moreover,
Higgs radiative decay such as to di-photon probably will be significantly
modified provided that Ï• is charged or/and colored.Comment: PLB version with minor correction