
Sustainable control of cotton bollworm in small-scale cotton-production systems


Insecticides currently account for around 45% of cotton-growing costs for over 30 million small-scale producers in Asia at a cost of US811millioneachyear.Inordertoreducethefinancialandenvironmentalimpactofcottoninsecticideuse,thisprojectbuiltonrecentworkinIndiatoadvancefarmersabilitytouseinsecticidesappropriatelyforcontrolofcottonbollworminIndia,PakistanandChina.Theprojecthasprovideddetailed,practicalrecommendationstoempowerfarmerstoadoptinsectresistancemanagement,andhasdevelopedeasytouseinsecticidequalityandresistancedetectionkits.Directimpactfromthevillageprogrammein2004/05isanetbenefittoparticipatingfarmersofUS811 million each year. In order to reduce the financial and environmental impact of cotton insecticide use, this project built on recent work in India to advance farmers’ ability to use insecticides appropriately for control of cotton bollworm in India, Pakistan and China. The project has provided detailed, practical recommendations to empower farmers to adopt insect resistance management, and has developed easy-to-use insecticide quality and resistance detection kits. Direct impact from the village programme in 2004/05 is a net benefit to participating farmers of US11 million. This project provides UK input into a much larger (US$4 million) CFC projec

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