Cassiopeia A (Cas A) as the nearby young remnant of a core-collapse supernova
is the best candidate for astrophysical studies in supernova explosion and its
environment. We studied hard X-ray emissions from Cas A using the ten-year data
of INTEGRAL observations, and first detected non-thermal continuum emission
from the source up to 220 keV. The 44Ti line emissions at 68 and 78 keV
are confirmed by our observations with a mean flux of ∼(2.2±0.4)×10−5 ph cm−2 s−1, corresponding to a 44Ti yield in Cas A of
(1.3±0.4)×10−4 \ms. The continuum emission from 3 -- 500 keV can
be fitted with a thermal bremsstrahlung of kT∼0.79±0.08 keV plus a
power-law model of Γ∼3.13±0.03. The non-thermal emission from
Cas A is well fitted with a power-law model without a cutoff up to 220 keV.
This radiation characteristic is inconsistent with the diffusive shock
acceleration models with the remnant shock velocity of only 5000km s−1.
The central compact object in Cas A cannot contribute to the emission above 80
keV significantly. Some possible physical origins of the non-thermal emission
above 80 keV from the remnant shock are discussed. We deduce that the
asymmetrical supernova explosion scenario of Cas A is a promising scenario to
produce high energy synchrotron radiation photons, where a part of ejecta with
the velocity of ∼0.1c and opening angle of ∼10∘ can account for
the 100-keV emission, consistent with the "jet" observed in Cas A.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables; accepted for the publication in Ap