
The U. S. Space Program -- An Appraisal


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has a significant interest in research on magnetic materials and in developing a better understanding of magnetic phenomena here on earth, in space and in the vicinity of the other planets of our solar system. But it would be presumptuous of me, an ordinary administrator, to lecture to this distinguished group of experts in the field on the subject of magnetism and magnetic materials. Instead, I propose to tell you briefly about the dimensions and principal areas of effort of the program we are pursuing in space research. Naturally, I will identify the nature of our interest in the specialty with which you are concerned. Finally, I want to attempt an assessment of the United States program in space exploration with perhaps a sidelong glance at the comparable efforts of our principal competitor in this field -- the Soviet Union. In the preparation of this paper, I have had the assistance of several very able scientists who are members of our staff at NASA

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