In this paper, we present extensively the observational consequences of
massless dilaton theories at the post-Newtonian level. We extend previous work
by considering a general model including a dilaton-Ricci coupling as well as a
general dilaton kinetic term while using the microphysical dilaton-matter
coupling model proposed in [Damour and Donoghue, PRD 2010].
We derive all the expressions needed to analyze local gravitational
observations in a dilaton framework, which is useful to derive constraints on
the dilaton theories. In particular, we present the equations of motion of
celestial bodies (in barycentric and planetocentric reference frames), the
equation of propagation of light and the evolution of proper time as measured
by specific clocks. Particular care is taken in order to derive properly the
observables. The resulting equations can be used to analyse a large numbers of
observations: universality of free fall tests, planetary ephemerides analysis,
analysis of satellites motion, Very Long Baseline Interferometry, tracking of
spacecraft, gravitational redshift tests, ...Comment: 27 pages, comments welcom