
Oscillating Asymmetric Sneutrino Dark Matter from the Maximally U(1)LU(1)_L Supersymmetric Inverse Seesaw


The inverse seesaw mechanism provides an attractive approach to generate small neutrino mass, which origins from a tiny U(1)LU(1)_L breaking. In this paper, we work in the supersymmetric version of this mechanism, where the singlet-like sneutrino could be an asymmetric dark matter (ADM) candidate in the maximally U(1)LU(1)_{L} symmetric limit. However, even a tiny δm\delta m, the mass splitting between sneutrino and anti-sneutrino as a result of the tiny U(1)LU(1)_{L} breaking effect, could lead to fast oscillation between sneutrino and anti-sneutrino and thus spoils the ADM scenario. We study the evolution of this oscillation and find that a weak scale sneutrino, which tolerates a relatively larger δm∼10−5\delta m\sim 10^{-5} eV, is strongly favored. We also investigate possible natural ways to realize that small δm\delta m in the model.Comment: PLB versio

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