For fixed integers r,ℓ≥0, a graph G is called an {\em
(r,ℓ)-graph} if the vertex set V(G) can be partitioned into r
independent sets and ℓ cliques. The class of (r,ℓ) graphs
generalizes r-colourable graphs (when ℓ=0) and hence not surprisingly,
determining whether a given graph is an (r,ℓ)-graph is \NP-hard even when
r≥3 or ℓ≥3 in general graphs.
When r and ℓ are part of the input, then the recognition problem is
NP-hard even if the input graph is a perfect graph (where the {\sc Chromatic
Number} problem is solvable in polynomial time). It is also known to be
fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) on perfect graphs when parameterized by r and
ℓ. I.e. there is an f(r+\ell) \cdot n^{\Oh(1)} algorithm on perfect
graphs on n vertices where f is some (exponential) function of r and
In this paper, we consider the parameterized complexity of the following
problem, which we call {\sc Vertex Partization}. Given a perfect graph G and
positive integers r,ℓ,k decide whether there exists a set S⊆V(G) of size at most k such that the deletion of S from G results in an
(r,ℓ)-graph. We obtain the following results: \begin{enumerate} \item {\sc
Vertex Partization} on perfect graphs is FPT when parameterized by k+r+ℓ.
\item The problem does not admit any polynomial sized kernel when parameterized
by k+r+ℓ. In other words, in polynomial time, the input graph can not be
compressed to an equivalent instance of size polynomial in k+r+ℓ. In fact,
our result holds even when k=0.
\item When r,ℓ are universal constants, then {\sc Vertex Partization} on
perfect graphs, parameterized by k, has a polynomial sized kernel.