
IDEAS Private Sector Study of Maternal Newborn Child Health Data Sharing in Uttar Pradesh, India


IDEAS presented to the Uttar Pradesh Technical Support Unit (a project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support the work of the Uttar Pradesh health system) on 3 September 2014 on a study of how the private sector can share data with the public sector to help the public sector with resource planning: Study overview In support of TSU’s Objective 3a • Sub-obj: Create robust systems for data collection, analysis, and planning to improve programme management (e.g.HMIS) Utility of the findings •To jointly develop and test a strategy for data sharing on key MNCH services with the private health sector in UP. Aim of the present study •To explore current data management and reporting systems for MNCH data in the private sector, and barriers and facilitators to obtaining private sector data and setting up such system

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