
Universality of Fragmentation in the Schr\"odinger Dynamics of Bosonic Josephson Junctions


The many-body Schr\"odinger dynamics of a one-dimensional bosonic Josephson junction is investigated for up to ten thousand bosons and long times. The initial states are fully condensed and the interaction strength is weak. We report on a universal fragmentation dynamics on the many-body level: systems consisting of different numbers of particles fragment to the same value at constant mean-field interaction strength. The phenomenon manifests itself in observables such as the correlation functions of the system. We explain this universal fragmentation dynamics analytically based on the Bose-Hubbard model. We thereby show that the extent to which many-body effects become important at later times depends crucially on the initial state. Even for arbitrarily large particle numbers and arbitrarily weak interaction strength the dynamics is many-body in nature and the fragmentation universal. There is no weakly interacting limit where the Gross-Piatevskii mean-field is valid for long times.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

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