
Transdisciplinary improvement on an isolated living model


This research is the result of several notable concerns to observe both communities in isolated towns and communities isolated by geophysical reasons. Now, it is necessary to establish the needs and characteristics given in this inhabited nuclei areas to improve the quality of user’s life respecting the environment (using sustainable crite-ria). We are about 7 billion people; the vast majority living in cities, climate changes are showed in phenomena that make us rethink the way we live. A great group of people live in vulnerable areas, it makes that many people are migrating to more stable areas, here also it must be taking into account the loss of intangible heritage; the study aims to be a structuring core of these converging aspects. The 11 Goal of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development says that human settlements must be inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. It is important to improve the quality of the settlements that we already have and to improve them with affordable technology making them more self-efficient. Starting from a wide concept of island to understand the isolated cores from a different point of view. Specific cases will be studied, focusing on poor isolated communities, which serves to reach a proposed model that optimizes and expands, as it will go incorporating new parameters. This connects the reality of islands, with a real case study and uses a tool developed by the same university, linking different areas from the university and sharing knowledge between them. Each of the departments linked in this work has been relevant in different parts: - UNESCO Chair on Sustainability: study about islands. - Universidad del Habitat de San Luis Potosi: case study. - Innlab: user experience with NECADA. This work has worked hard to keep informed the different departments and to show the ad-vantages of working together, being many times difficult to find the right language to talk be-tween them. In this master, I have learnt that if we want to change things we must rethink the way we are used to work; working with three different departments (architects, biologists and informatics) gives a transdisciplinary work and is more sustainable, improves knowledge using local sources and uses real stakeholders that can get direct benefit from this way of work. The future line of this work would be to continue developing, trying the different solutions adopted for this core, improving the software and knowledge acquired

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