
Unitary groups and spectral sets


We study spectral theory for bounded Borel subsets of \br and in particular finite unions of intervals. For Hilbert space, we take L2L^2 of the union of the intervals. This yields a boundary value problem arising from the minimal operator \Ds = \frac1{2\pi i}\frac{d}{dx} with domain consisting of C∞C^\infty functions vanishing at the endpoints. We offer a detailed interplay between geometric configurations of unions of intervals and a spectral theory for the corresponding selfadjoint extensions of \Ds and for the associated unitary groups of local translations. While motivated by scattering theory and quantum graphs, our present focus is on the Fuglede-spectral pair problem. Stated more generally, this problem asks for a determination of those bounded Borel sets Ω\Omega in \br^k such that L2(Ω)L^2(\Omega) has an orthogonal basis of Fourier frequencies (spectrum), i.e., a total set of orthogonal complex exponentials restricted to Ω\Omega. In the general case, we characterize Borel sets Ω\Omega having this spectral property in terms of a unitary representation of (\br, +) acting by local translations. The case of k=1k = 1 is of special interest, hence the interval-configurations. We give a characterization of those geometric interval-configurations which allow Fourier spectra directly in terms of the selfadjoint extensions of the minimal operator \Ds. This allows for a direct and explicit interplay between geometry and spectra. As an application, we offer a new look at the Universal Tiling Conjecture and show that the spectral-implies-tile part of the Fuglede conjecture is equivalent to it and can be reduced to a variant of the Fuglede conjecture for unions of integer intervals.Comment: We improved the paper and partition it into several independent part

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