
Fluids Geochemistry of Stromboli


An accurate description of the geochemical system is presented here based on a review of scientific work performed during the past decade. The surface manifestations of the volcanic system of Stromboli have been investigated using several measuring techniques. Studying the chemical composition of the volcanic plume and of fumarolic emissions has provided information on magma degassing processes. The total fluxes of the emitted gases from both the plume and the soil were found to vary with changes in volcanic activity (from normal Strombolian activity to effusive and/or paroxysmal activity). Thermal water results from the interaction between volcanic gases, host rock, seawater and meteoric water and temporal changes observed in the chemical and the isotopic composition of the gases dissolved into thermal waters highlighted the rising of new magma batches. Combining modelling of gas-water-rock interactions with an understanding of the volcanic system allowed to identify preferential sampling sites and parameters for the geochemical monitoring of volcanic activity at Stromboli Island

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