Many real world problems can be expressed as optimisation problems. Solving
this kind of problems means to find, among all possible solutions, the one that
maximises an evaluation function. One approach to solve this kind of problem is
to use an informed search strategy. The principle of this kind of strategy is
to use problem-specific knowledge beyond the definition of the problem itself
to find solutions more efficiently than with an uninformed strategy. This kind
of strategy demands to define problem-specific knowledge (heuristics). The
efficiency and the effectiveness of systems based on it directly depend on the
used knowledge quality. Unfortunately, acquiring and maintaining such knowledge
can be fastidious. The objective of the work presented in this paper is to
propose an automatic knowledge revision approach for systems based on an
informed tree search strategy. Our approach consists in analysing the system
execution logs and revising knowledge based on these logs by modelling the
revision problem as a knowledge space exploration problem. We present an
experiment we carried out in an application domain where informed search
strategies are often used: cartographic generalisation.Comment: Knowledge Revision; Problem Solving; Informed Tree Search Strategy;
Cartographic Generalisation., Paris : France (2008