
Supercritical holes for the doubling map


For a map S:Xβ†’XS:X\to X and an open connected set (== a hole) HβŠ‚XH\subset X we define JH(S)\mathcal J_H(S) to be the set of points in XX whose SS-orbit avoids HH. We say that a hole H0H_0 is supercritical if (i) for any hole HH such that H0Λ‰βŠ‚H\bar{H_0}\subset H the set JH(S)\mathcal J_H(S) is either empty or contains only fixed points of SS; (ii) for any hole HH such that \barH\subset H_0 the Hausdorff dimension of JH(S)\mathcal J_H(S) is positive. The purpose of this note to completely characterize all supercritical holes for the doubling map Tx=2xβ€Šmodβ€Š1Tx=2x\bmod1.Comment: This is a new version, where a full characterization of supercritical holes for the doubling map is obtaine

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