
Sharp non-existence results of prescribed L^2-norm solutions for some class of Schr\"odinger-Poisson and quasilinear equations


In this paper we study the existence of minimizers for F(u) = \1/2\int_{\R^3} |\nabla u|^2 dx + 1/4\int_{\R^3}\int_{\R^3}\frac{| u(x) |^2| u(y) |^2}{| x-y |}dxdy-\frac{1}{p}\int_{\R^3}| u |^p dx on the constraint S(c)={u∈H1(R3):∫R3∣u∣2dx=c},S(c) = \{u \in H^1(\R^3) : \int_{\R^3}|u|^2 dx = c \}, where c>0c>0 is a given parameter. In the range p∈[3,10/3]p \in [3, 10/3] we explicit a threshold value of c>0c>0 separating existence and non-existence of minimizers. We also derive a non-existence result of critical points of F(u)F(u) restricted to S(c)S(c) when c>0c>0 is sufficiently small. Finally, as a byproduct of our approaches, we extend some results of \cite{CJS} where a constrained minimization problem, associated to a quasilinear equation, is considered.Comment: 22 page

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