


表在性膀胱癌に対しanthramycin系に属する抗癌性抗生物質Neothramycin (NTM)を使用した.NTMの膀胱内注入療法で用いた投与量は以下のごとくである.初回にはNTM 10 mgを滅菌蒸留水20 mlに溶解させて膀胱内に注入し, 副作用がないため40 mgに増量した.投与間隔は2週に1回からはじめ, 1日2回の膀胱内注入を行なった.最近の2例に膀胱内注入療法に加えてNTM 20 mgの経静脈性全身投与の併用療法を試みた.成績は11例中著効4例, 50%以上の縮小を認めた有効6例で, 無効1例であった.副作用としては3症例に一過性の膀胱刺激症状を認めたNeothramycin (NTM), an anthramycin-group anticancer antibiotic, was used in the treatment of superficial carcinoma of the bladder. NTM was instilled into the bladder in the following dosages. Ten mg NTM in 20 ml of sterile distilled water was given first, and increased to 40 mg in 20 ml. This procedure was performed every second week to twice a day. Recently, in 2 patients, the treatment has been combined with 20 mg NTM intravenous administration. In 4 of the 11 patients (36%) the tumors disappeared completely, while in 6 patients (55%) there was partial disappearance of more than 50% and in one patient (9%) there was no effect. Three of the patients had irritable bladder symptom (temporarily). NTM was concluded to be effective for superficial carcinoma of the bladder

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